"Trustworthy; with an attention to detail."

We focused on honesty, from start to finish. If you're looking for someone
to trust with your biggest investment , please contact us for a consultation.

A visible upgrade...

  • Roofing

    Atlas Roofing & Solar is a unique roofing company that focuses on simply doing things right the first time. Our specialty is avoiding
    unnecessary repairs by being detail-oriented throughout the entire process.

  • Drone Aerial Survey/Photography

    We utilize the latest

    In drone imaging technology in order to thoroughly scan and
    analyze the entire roofing surface for damage or defects. This can be critical in gaining a bird’s eye view of hard to reach/steep surfaces. Our 8k resolution
    images are then regressed through Proprietary A.I in order to objectively identify storm damage consistent with a vast
    database of roof related damage. This database is not exclusive to just storm damage, but a wide range of damage typical and atypical to roofing. This, along
    with our own experience and expertise give us the utmost confidence when speaking to our homeowner or agents of insurance carriers. Schedule your consultation

  • Solar

    We combine out experience and expertise in roofing to deliver to our customers a premium solar product; with an attention to water tight seals, as well as aesthetic design and appeal. We have found that when presented with stylish and sleek solar design, they are eager to use Solar as a solition to their homes energy needs.


Atlas Roofing is dedicated to partnering with local communities to help better our city and state. If your neighborhood association organizes litter pick-ups or other community events, please let us know.
